Strategic Alignment in Alignment and Operational

Excellence with ISO 9001 Implementation

Our approach to implementation and training is critical because, over the past decade since 2015, registrar auditors and certifying bodies have largely overlooked the strategic component of ISO 9001, particularly clause 9.3.1, which emphasizes alignment with the organization’s strategic direction. To ensure full conformity with the ISO 9001:2015 standard, addressing this critical aspect is essential.

Strategic alignment plays a pivotal role in optimizing business operations and achieving operational excellence. Unfortunately, these benefits are often claimed without substantial evidence. Moreover, most ISO 9001 training focuses narrowly on the audit function or clause-based implementation, neglecting the broader management perspective.

Our implementation approach is grounded in a comprehensive management systems methodology that treats the clauses as structural elements rather than ends in themselves. 

We prioritize linking operations to strategy, with certification being a secondary outcome. This approach tackles broader organizational challenges, such as enhancing the effectiveness of Chief Operating Officer roles through ISO 9001. Evidence supporting our methodology is available in Videos 1, 2, and 3.

Many existing or newly implemented ISO 9001 standards need to be integrated seamlessly into business operations rather than treated as separate, compliance-driven activities. This integration directly supports clause 5.1.1(c), which mandates incorporating quality management system requirements into the organization’s business processes.

We are committed to helping you align ISO 9001 with your business operations, going beyond certification to achieve strategic and operational excellence.

Gene Russell

Board Member NIST/MEP National & California Network – the person signing off on the recommendation

Jeffrey Lewis has been a partner of Manex since 2004. Jeff’s expertise in ISO Management Systems and his ability to implement and develop internal auditing training on behalf of Manex has been effective and critical for Manex’s clients. Jeff is a seasoned and effective ISO Expert and has the ability to deliver effective ISO Services has been important to ensuring the sustainable success of our clients. Jeff adapts to provide solutions for meeting the needs of a wide cross section of our clients. Clients are impressed by Jeff’s grasp of their specific issues and how their challenges are favorably resolved.


Single Management System,LLC

Jeffrey Lewis


'ISO Integrated Management System - A Path to Strategic Alignment'

Next Level ISO Management System - Links directly with Financials



On-line Training


The State of play with Strategic Alignment 

In Elsevier Volume 49, Issue 4, August 2016, Pages 491-506 -, On the Road to Disaster: Strategic Misalignments and Corporate Failure by  Dr. Loizos Heracleous, Professor of Strategy and Organization at the Warwick Business School, and Head of the Strategy Group  and Katrin Werres, states  ‘the link between strategic alignment and competitive advantage (and conversely misalignment and failure) has been recognized (Beer et al, 2005, Miles, Snow, 1984a, Powell, 1992)’

Seemingly after 20 plus years, the means to achieve alignment has not been widely achieved, although Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Scorecord was introduced in 1992 to advance Strategic Alignment. The Balance scorecard institute considers it the technique to achieve strategic alignment to avoid the consequences of misalignment i.e. failure and lack of competitiveness. However, companies have not benefited from the awareness of Strategic Alignment, as the means to achieve the intended results, as the means to survive and thrive. 

Evidence of Misalignment Across All industries 

Evidence of company failure is found in the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Data,. According to Dr Heracleous failure is caused by Strategic Misalignment. Following the failure trend graphs, all industry failures follow the same curve shape.  There are no industrial sector exceptions. The curve remains the same whether it is ten years after start up or 27 years. If even, the case of misalignment is not valid, it is incumbent that companies eliminate strategic alignment as a cause of failure, by ensuring that they remain in  a state of alignment throughout their life cycle, so that any other cause, is revealed. 

Side by side Comparative charts show no change in the trends over a 27-year period.  

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Strategic Alignment

When the research from the Professor is matched with the Department of Labor statistics, the conclusion is clear: a lack of Strategic Alignment knowledge causes companies to become uncompetitive and to fail.

Integrated ISO Management Systems offers a format and techniques to achieve Strategic Alignment. However, the generally accepted practice does not conform to the Standard’s requirement for Strategic Alignment. Competence is needed.

Single Management LLC provides the training to enable ISO-certified companies to become Strategically Aligned. Our own research shows that many C-Suite personnel lack the competence to steer companies towards Strategic Alignment.

When the Quality Managers of ISO-certified companies complete our training program, they become a viable C-Suite candidates due to the acquired new skills, tools, and insights. If you aspire to the C-Suite, this program can take you there.

Do you aspire to the C-Suite?

Which group do you belong to

The questions are – Do you know how long your company will last? How can you tell if it will continue to be competitive or fail? Is your company  in Strategic Alignment? 

The Fix – ISO Integrated Management Systems Standards

The diagram on the left – shows the structure of present day ISO Standards as containing both Strategy and Operations – with integrated disciplines to form a single management system, Strategic alignment is the bridge between the Operations and the Strategy. 

The Case for ISO Integrated Management System Standards as a Roadmap for Strategic Alignment 

ISO  Integrated Management System Standard the applicable clauses for Strategy is as follows:

The Practice – Missing Strategy

Because of the foundation in ISO Management Systems – the Quality Manager can add the Strategy Requirements through our training because the course provides Strategic Alignment know-how. The Quality Manager is prepared for the C-Suite

C Suite Suite Competence

Elevate Your Career: Master ISO Standards and Financial Acumen

Unlock your path to the C Suite with our specialized online training program designed for Management System professionals and aspiring leaders

Why choose our program?

Align strategies with best practices: Learn to integrate ISO Standards into your strategic framework for enhanced operational efficiency

Drive Business Value: Develop financial decision-making skills and use of our configurator, that lead to measurable improvements in profitability and performance.

Communicate with Executives: Articulate the connection between operational excellence and fiscal responsibility

What makes us unique?

Our program features are based on research and insights, which demonstrate the outcomes when training is lacking and the conditions needed for success.

Take action now:
Follow our research below to understand the need for ISO Standards and financial savvy for transforming your career. Sign-up today and start your journey towards executive leadership


On the surface a company’s finances does not appear to be connected to the ISO Management System Standard. However, the failure of a company is decided by its financial status. 

The provided training shows the link between ISO Management System and the financial structure. The relevant strategic options from the configurator is analysed. User is enabled to take action to avoid failure and to remain competitive

Planning for Strategic Alignment 

The causes of strategic misalignment pointed out by Dr. Heracleous are addressed within the ISO Management System Standards. it is clear that training and knowledge is required to attain the techniques for Strategic Alignment.


The configurator is a practical tool to deliver strategic alignment 

In the final analysis – companies fail because managers are not trained on how to accomplish Strategic Alignment or are not provided with the tools to do so.  However, there is evidence from the Researchgate survey, which informs that those companies which gain strategic alignment perform better than those without strategic alignment 

Stakeholders learn how to accomplish strategic alignment through an ISO Management System format and a SaaS Management Configurator, which allows users to determine their best options for Strategic Alignment.

The configurator is a practical tool to deliver strategic alignment 

In the final analysis – companies fail because managers are not trained on how to accomplish Strategic Alignment or are not provided with the tools to do so.  However, there is evidence from the Researchgate survey, which informs that those companies which gain strategic alignment perform better than those without strategic alignment 

Stakeholders learn how to accomplish strategic alignment through an ISO Management System format and a SaaS Management Configurator, which allows users to determine their best options for Strategic Alignment.

Top Managers and Internal Auditors should take this course

ISO Management System Standards A path to Strategic Alignmentand

Training Cost:



Perquisite:Company ISO Certified

 Risk-based Internal Audit Training -19011:2018

A completed audit is required prior to certification

Training Cost:



ISO Management System Standards A path to Strategic Alignment

Training Cost:



Perquisite:Company ISO Certified

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