Clause based auditing only informs that the clause is met; it does not inform on the effectiveness of the Management System
Because the clause in itself does not operationalize the system, we have explained the difference on our main page. In addition, the ISO Management System Standards requires the risk to the business of internal and external issues to be considered to determine its strategic direction.
That may be so for certification. Is that it is your primary focus? Your operations can benefit otherwise by understanding if operational risks exist and are managed.
Risk exercise identifies operational controls. Enhanced control means more enabled management.
Although certified only one Standard, the risk from other disciplines can contribute and affect your operations’ status because controls via the certified Standard is not provided to manage risk across the board. You need to know how to do so.
By taking a holistic approach to the operations by having an integrated management system
An integrated manual does not necessarily identify the risks across the process to operate as a single management system; it may just mean the standards are combined in one document.
It is part of the program of preparing the organization which the ‘Certified Management System Risk Auditor’ program delivers.
The training we provide comes with a format for your internal audits to follow a risk-based audit process, from which the effectiveness will be determined. In clause based audits, one not able to measure effectiveness, although previous standards had the requirement.