About Us

Value Proposition

To enhance organizational performance, sustainability, and resilience by implementing and cultivating a culture of Integrated ISO Management Systems, aligning business strategies with operational excellence across quality, environmental, and safety ( food and/or occupational) domains.

Our Mission

Back ground

The development of the Strategic Alignment through ISO Management Systems is due to decades of hands-on experience at middle / senior management of both discrete and process manufacturing, prior to commencing ISO Management System Consulting.

The following is a list notable milestones

    • Maintenance Management As a Quality Process (plant-maintenance.com) ( First published in 2001 by Maintenance Technology – periodical
    • US Patent – 6994258
    • QAI (Global) -Best of the Best Award – 2006
    • Designated – Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Quality Professionals
    • Software Compliance – Technology conformity and compliance – as part od the SMS.
    • ANSI/IACET – Certified Continuing Education  provider.
    • Strategic Compliance Configurator
    • 20 years Management System Consulting on behalf of Manex Consulting (Northern California)
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